Getting More Job Interviews for UX Designers

Getting More Job Interviews

Download the Quick Guide

This quick guide to getting more job interviews was developed in response to countless emails from UX Design Mentees over the past 3+ years. As a result of theirs’ and my own efforts, I decided to author and publish this quick guide to help you and others get more job interviews as a UX Designer. Can this quick guide be used for other professions? Maybe so, but the specific audience is UX Designers. 

Some people mistakenly think that portfolios get you interviews, well I’m here to say they don’t. Unfortunately, the average time spent on a UX Portfolio is just a few seconds. It’s basically a box checked during the application process. The portfolio you might share is usually a slide deck presentation during a panel interview Not during initial screening calls or hiring manager interview. 

The secret to getting more job interviews is in this quick guide. It’s not your resume, it’s not your portfolio. Learn how to get more job interviews, so you can ask the questions that help you stand out as a candidate to recruiters and hiring managers to usher you in for the subsequent steps.

A donation amount is appreciated for the 150 hours plus 3 1/2 years of interviewing UX Designers prior to this. It’s not required, but is much appreciated. Thank you for considering it. 

table of contents and process

Why buy "Getting Job Interviews for UX Designers" now?

The sooner you start having more interviews, the sooner you start not only building your network, but also learning from real hiring managers by asking research questions. Buying now ensures, you’re held accountable for your investment in yourself, because that investment compounds over time. Buy later and you essentially start from square one only delayed. 

Why is it priced this way?

For a limited time, while I take in feedback from my personal network I’m allowing you to name your own price. I do this for two reasons. 

1. Because I have a business to run, and it requires monetary transactions to stay alive and provide much needed income to feed the mouths of my family and pay the bills. This is why donations are encouraged.

2. As a UX Researcher, I understand there are things I might not catch in my blindspot, that others who are actual customers might discover with their perspective. Therefore, the more people that can view and see this quick guide the better in terms of receiving much needed feedback.

Now, I’ve spent the past few months working 6 hours a day, 4 days a week researching, compiling, and editing this for good measure. Yet, even I know I miss some things. Not to mention, I’ve 17 years of collective design experience distilled into an easily digestible quick guide to knowledge that I wish I would’ve known when I was in your shoes. This way you get the results you deserve. That’s why I priced it this way. 


Modern Twist on Getting More Job Interviews as UX Designers

How fast will it work?

You’d be surprised. I’ve had a mentee get two internships in 4 days. I’ve had a mentee get a full-time salary position in 30 days. The secret with this quick guide is that it really depends on persistent application, data collection, learning, and creativity of you to make it work. My recommendation is to try it out for a week, and if the following week you don’t have at least 1 interivew with a recruiter, then we’d likely need to tweak one of the tactics in the process. That’s all! Can you wait a week?

"Do you really understand my needs?"

You know, I asked myself this a few months back, and decided to send out a survey to my previous mentees many of which are responsive. Here are their top needs, yours maybe different. 

1. Get Hired at a Big Brand Name

2. Work Remotely

3. Learning and Growing

These are just the top three. Some honorable mentions were things like. 

1. Financial Independence

2. Learning Business

3. Visual Design Craft, 

4. Achievement/Goals, and more…

Although, I’d love to fit all of this in a “quick guide” I think that would defeat the purpose of it being “quick.” So, I’ve really broken it down to an essential task that helps accelerate your hiring process. It’s not the end all be all, but helps juice up your battery for take off. You will always have extra time during the hiring process to polish up a portfolio slide deck for presentation, or explain your resume to a recruiter or hiring manager, but inside this quick guide is the secret to getting more job interviews as a UX Designer.  

"You don't have the expertise do you?"

No. You’re right. I’ve never been a legitimate career coach hired by a company or university to do just that. However, I have been a UX Instructor for 5 years, and a UX Mentor for just shy of 4 years. During this time I finely tuned my career coaching skills. This is guide is an accumulation of answering the same question, solving the same problem, and watching both successes and failures of my own prescribed strategy to mentees both junior and senior. Taking this all into account, I’ve condensed it in this guide to remedy those failures, and exploit the successful tactics. All this coming from a UX Designer with a Bachelors of Arts in Design from Southern Illinois University, and an Associates of Science in Graphic Design from Vincennes University, plus 17 years of professional paid design experience moving pixels on the screen. So, instead of giving you a credentialed orthodox career coach perspective, in this quick guide I give you a heterodox one. Please forgive me. 


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